This morning the information on my first assignment sheet took me to the wrong place and a half an hour later than it was supposed to be. Then at the assignment I had a PR lady following me around telling me what I could and could not photograph. So I was in a frustrated and sour mood when my second assignment hit me with some perspective at the exact right time. It was strawberry pickers at a local farm. Watching them in the hot sun hunched over for hours made me realize I had nothing to complain about, that my job is awesome and I should be thankful for it even on days that aren't as smooth as others. Today I gained a little knowledge on where my food comes from and a lot of respect for the people who make it possible for me to eat strawberries.
Strawberry pickers wait in line to have their boxes inspected and counted at The Parkesdale Farm in Dover, Fla., Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2013. The pickers are paid $1.50 per cardboard box, with the fastest pickers filling over 100 boxes a day. |
The finished product. |
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