Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Pick-up Artist

Jonathan Green, 30, videotapes a lesson entitled ‘How to Get a Girlfriend’ for his website in a studio he set up in his mother’s basement. Green has been practicing pick-up for over 3 years and made close to $60,000 in London, England two years ago coaching. He returned home to Nashville after his student visa ran out in 2009, and is adjusting to the new environment. Green began researching pick-up after having his heart broken by a girl who was cheating on him.

In Nashville, Green spends most of the week working on remodeling his website, a stark contrast to his days in London, where he would go out six nights a week, he said. He’s spent much of the past year teaching himself search engine optimization, marketing and other business skills; as well as reading dozens of books with topics ranging several social sciences. Some other pick-up artists have criticized him fro his ‘numbers’ being low, he’s slept with 30 women. He responds to the critics by saying, “Would you rather have a coach that gets laid or a coach that gets you laid?”

Routine is a key to Green’s success. He preaches that being in control of your appearance and environment is the first step towards the confidence required for pick-up, and shaving his back is a part of his ritual before he goes out. “I didn’t even know my back was that hairy until a girl asked me to put my shirt back on so she could give me a massage.” He said.

The clothing philosophy Green follows is to dress 10% better than everyone else in a given club, and that means accessories. “Everything I wear has a story behind it, so that if a girl asks about something I can talk about it for 30 minutes.” He said. He also based his hair on the comic book character Wolverine. He read in a book that people make judgments in the first 10 seconds of meeting someone, so his goal is to have his hair and face be interesting enough for all 10 seconds.

Green, a fellow pick-up artist Nick, and student Seth Cardew, 20, walk down the streets of Nashville towards a club. Cardew first went to Green a year ago to help get over Selective Mutism that had kept him from talking to most people his whole life. Cardew lied and told his mother he needed money for textbooks and used the money to pay for a counselor and for Green’s lessons, which are at least $100. “It needs to be enough money that they take it seriously.” Green said.

Green dances in the gay bar Play in Nashville. He enjoys the challenge of sleeping with lesbians, he said.

Cardew goes to Green for advice with a group of girls. When coaching, Green usually stays off to the side and tells his students what to say to approach a woman, then lets the student handle it from there. Green describes most of his students as extremely shy when they first come to him. “I help nice guys get laid more, it’s like a war against assholes.” He said.

Green talks to a girl while in line for the bathroom at Nashville’s 12th and Porter. If he’s coaching a student, Green makes sure not to approach any women until the student has at least gotten a phone number from a girl.

While talking to a woman, a man bumped into the table Green was sitting at and spilled a drink on him. Shortly after this, another man came and took the woman off to the dance floor. About the incident, Green said, “At that point I had already lost interest in her after she said her dream was to be a professional shopper.”
Green didn’t go home with anyone that night, but Cardew got a girl’s phone number so he considered the night a success. In the future, Green hopes to move his business to Hawaii and plans on eventually making over $100,000 a year.

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